TCA Peel

Using high quality trichloroacetic acid (TCA) in the skilled hands of an experienced practitioner has raised facial skin resurfacing to a new level. Dr. Toohey can revitalize your skin as well as a host of imperfections, including fine lines, wrinkles and mild scarring caused by acne or overexposure to the sun. The use of the TCA peel in conjunction with a prescription skin-evening medication can help to correct uneven skin color. During a personal consultation, Dr. Toohey will tell patients how his TCA peel resurfacing procedure can be used to deal with their specific needs and leave them with a smooth, even, healthy-looking face.

How long is the recovery period for a TCA peel?

You should plan to have at least one week of downtime while your skin is rejuvenating. A good amount of peeling and some swelling is to be expected.


A TCA peel is a personalized procedure. Therefore, Dr. Toohey’s staff will be happy to discuss prices with you on an individual basis.

Toohey Plastic Surgery works with all major credit card companies as well as CareCredit® to provide financing options for patients. Within a few hours, you can be pre-approved for your cosmetic procedure. View our Financing page to find out more.

To schedule a FREE consultation or for more information on pricing, products, and procedures, please call us at (949) 759-8700.